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Ranking History - Dub Store Sound Inc. Online Store for Reggae & Black Music - Reggaerecord.Com

Reggae & Black Music Online Store

日本語 English

presented by DUB STORE SOUND INC.

¥0 (US$0.00) (0 items)

Best sold within a week before Dec 28, 2010

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Garnett Silk - Every Knee Shall Bow / Dub

Rythem Track / Digikiller / Deeper Knowledge US 1996

Crazy Baldhead (Bob Marley)


Garnett Silk's "Every Knee Shall Bow"…over ten years from his start, Garnett was back working right where he began, with Rythem Track. Originally released posthumously in 1996 on Callo's offshoot 2-Hyped label, this is one of Silk's best ever, a high-water mark for both him and the producer, a shining example of the indelible legacies of both.

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Tony Roach - Big Bout Yah / Dub

Rythem Track / Digikiller / Deeper Knowledge US 1985


ony Roach's "Big Bout Yah" has been one of our favorite tunes for years, the riddim a killer variation on 'tempo'.


Tony Roach - Entertainer / Dub

Rythem Track / Digikiller / Deeper Knowledge US 1985

Wicked Can't Run Away

¥1380 ¥1180 (US$8.38)

Tony Roach's "Enterainer", voiced on one of the best-ever digital cuts of the 'green bay' riddim.


Anthony Selassie - Busy Body / Dub

Rythem Track / Digikiller / Deeper Knowledge US 1985

Wicked Can't Run Away

¥1180 (US$8.38)

Anthony Selassie's "Busy Body", voiced on one of the best-ever digital cuts of the 'green bay' riddim.