Shipping method can be selected at the check out. Please read the following descriptions carefully and determine your preferred method. Estimated fee will automatically be calculated in your shopping cart when selected. Usually ships within 24hours if otherwise we will let you know. |
Fastest and most reliable although most pricey of all with exceptions for parcels above 2kg. Delivered within 2-3 working days in major cities. Tracking available on every shipment.
E-Packet [Registered] |
Cheaper airmail option with tracking for parcels under 2kg with similar turnaround to airmail. Delivered in around 6 working days in major cities.
Air [Small Packet] |
Standard airmail service without tracking. Delivered in around 6 working days in major cities. Buyer's risk on loss or delay.
SAL [Small Packet Registered] |
Takes longer but cheapest airmail option with tracking under 2kg. Delivered in 2-3weeks in major cities. Only self-tracking available via Japan Post website.
SAL [International Packet] |
Cheapest shipping method above 2kg with tracking. Takes around 2-3weeks in major cities. Only self-tracking available via Japan Post website.
Ship/Surface Mail |
Cheapest shipping method available. Delivery time can vary from one to a couple of months.
Fedex [International Economy] |
Delivered within 5 working days with tracking. Maximum weight is 68kg. Expensive but optimal when postal service in receiving country is not relevant.
*For delivery duration please see
*Please note that the shipping fee may vary if the actual weight of the parcel differs from the estimate.