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Reggae & Black Music Online Store

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presented by DUB STORE SOUND INC.

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About is an online shop that specializes in Reggae and black music. has a wide range of CDs, Records, DVDs, Cassette Tapes, Books and Accessories. After registering as a member, you can buy products of your choice from 25844 items in stock.
You can view the photo of the products and Track Listing, as well as listen to the music. *Some songs may not have music data or music resource file for listening. considers it highly important to protect our customers' privacy and private information. For more details, please refer to our Privacy Agreement.
For details about payment method, please see "Shipment and Payment Method".
If you have any question about the price, shopping procedures, terms and conditions, please read through the help topics first.
If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, please contact us by E-mail.
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If You Are Shopping With Us For the First Time
Searching For a ProductFor details >> Click Here
  You can find a product you want quickly by using various search methods that were developed solely for reggae music and
Purchase MethodFor details >> Click Here
  At, you can purchase products through a system which utilizes a Shopping Cart.
With this system, you can put products into the Shopping Cart without having to register, and enter the customer's information after confirming the products you wish to order.
However, customer registration before-hand will make the purchasing process smoothe.
The purchased products can be delivered to an address other than the home (billing) address.
Payment MethodFor details >> Click Here

VISA Master Card Nicos American Express JCB PayPal

You can choose from several payment methods such as paying with credit card or bank transfer.
For more details, please see >>"Shipment and Payment Method"
Number of Days Required for ShipmentFor details >> Click Here
  After receiving the order, it usually takes one day (or maximum two days) for to secure the product and prepare for shipment.
Because we share the stock with our over-the-counter service, some products might be out of stock.
For more details, please see>>"Shipment and Payment Method"
Rights and Privacy AgreementFor details >> Click Here
  You may cancel your subscription to our mailing service or change the settings at any time. We send mail magazines occasionally to customers who have registered an account with us.
If you wish to cancel the subscription to all or some of our mail magazines, please go to "MyPage" and change your settings.
At we understand that our customers are concerned about how we use private information you provided us and we handle such information with extreme care.
Therefore, we take particular care to protect privacy and private information. With our privacy policy, we have also explained what kind of information we obtain from our customers, how we use such information, and the options provided for customers regarding the information.
For more information, please see >>Privacy Policy
Changing and Confirming the SettingsFor details >>Click Here
  To review your order history, and confirm/change your settings about information you have registered or subscription of mail magazine, please do so from>>"MyPage".
For more details, please see >>Changing the Settings on MyPage