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Reggae & Black Music Online Store

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presented by DUB STORE SOUND INC.

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Augustus Pablo - Bedroom Mazurka / Scotty - Children Children

Move & Groove / Dub Store Records JPN 1973/ 1970


¥1380 (US$9.06)

On Keith & Tex' classic tune 'Tonight,' Augustus Pablo's melodica echoes along the entire track mysteriously, while the fascinating female vocalist Fay quotes breathy lines from the popular German soft porn film Bedroom Mazurka. The flip side features Scotty's DJ version to 'Tonight.'


Singing Sweet - Donna

VP US 1993

¥1580 ¥2280 (US$14.97)


Big Youth - Best Big Youth / Version

Fe Me Time UK 1974

Black Cinderella

¥1680 (US$11.03)